The Twelve Days of Christmas

I heard this on the radio on Christmas Day actually.
Sung by all the DJs on flyfm. And it is super funny!!
You know the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas"?
Well, sing this to the tune of that. It's really funny and genius that I thought I should post it here.

And yes, the lyrics are correct. I have excellent listening skills. I know I got them right.
Trust me.

The Twelve Days of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas
My listeners sent to me
A radio to put by my tree
On the second day of Christmas
My listeners sent to me
2 stinky socks
and a radio to put by my tree
On the third day of Christmas
My listeners sent to me
3 murukkus
2 stinky socks
and a radio to put by my tree


and it goes on like that
The rest of the lyrics go...

fourth day.....4 booby traps
fifth day.....5 plates of cheese
sixth day.....6 trays of litter
seventh day.....7 plastic handphones
eighth day.....8 chicken nuggets
ninth day.....9 horses whining
tenth day.....10 Britney CDs
eleventh day.....11 sugar cubes
twelfth day.....12 paper clips

I enjoy singing this. Have sung it while I was in the the shower....
It's soo adorable, don't you think?
And very original!! :)


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