Snap: Our Official Game

This post has been way overdue. I know I have not blogged in a while. That's cos I have been pretty busy.
Well, who isn't right?

Anyway, I want to write about my experience in the 2 weekends that I deem precious and valuable to me in the areas of friendship and relationships, as well as preparing myself for my future career.

On the 8-10th of January 2010, 20 of us in TESL Year 2 and 10 final-year seniors were shipped off (by force, for some of us) to Bougainvillea Resort, Port Dickson for a weekend of "brainstorming and creativity".
There was no proper briefing at first, as to why I could not go home that weekend and had to be stuck in PD instead.


It turns out that, we were "chosen" to be the facilitators for a Language Camp, to be held in Muar, Johor the following weekend. The Language Camp was aimed at helping a few small schools in rural area Kundang Ulu in improving their English in fun ways by carrying out a module of activities geared just for that purpose. This camp in PD was actually a training camp to prepare us to be facilitators.

Now, that does not sound so bad, eh?

What they didn't tell us at the time, was that we were supposed to come up with the module of activities. >.< Arriving in PD, not knowing exactly what to expect, not being properly briefed, confused, annoyed and frustrated, I expected a long, long, long, boring weekend of wanting to shoot myself in the head in order to be put out of my misery.

The weekend was totally unexpected.

After being told of the actual purpose for the camp, the kids in Kundang Ulu waiting for us, who desperately need our help and guidance, I was somewhat appeased. In fact, I could not wait to start ! :)

We were split into groups, a mix of second years and final years. I got to know a few seniors and how valuable their advice can be in preparing for our practicum the following year.
I also discovered how crazy our seniors actually are, and how they aren't really that different from us, after all :P

The brainstorming sessions were mentally tiring. We had a full day of just coming up with activity after activity for the children that could be easily executed and would be fun as well as educational, bearing in mind that the kids would be of differing ages, namely Primary Six, Form 3 and Form 5 - all examination years. Ice-breaking games, Writing activities, Reading activities, learning through songs and Vocabulary-enhancement activities.

I had a taste of how difficult it was going to be in the future when I start planning for my English lessons. There were so many things to think about: the children, their interest, their background, their different language proficiencies, the fun factor, their motivation, safety, available resources, the school area etc.

It was challenging. If my mind could actually feel exhausted, it did.

Work aside, my classmates and I had a great time of bonding and laughter. Lots of the latter :P

I brought my pack of playing cards, thinking we could play a game or two of Chor Dai Di quietly in our rooms at the end of the day, if we had any free time.

We, the whole gang of us, ended up playing Snap and Bluff and Bomb and crying tears of laughter !
The tears of laughter were definitely thanks to our beloved Shantini a.k.a. Karupi.
Oh, and it was anything but quiet !! XD

Oh, my God !
(ala Karupi)
Aiyoyo... (accompanied by a flick of the hair)

You would have to have been there to understand. It was so hilariously funny ! I seriously have never laughed so much in my life !
Gosh, we had an awesome time those two nights !

I hereby solemnly swear to never forget the LOL things that Karupi did that night in PD !
I think we shall remind her of them when she goes up to get her Degree scroll from the Canselor. :P
I also hereby declare Snap as our official TESL Year 2 game ! teehee

I enjoyed myself tremendously that weekend. What a turnaround of what I expected the weekend to be.

I got to know some of our crazy seniors and am indebted to them for their guidance and help; I found out that Dr. Hamidah is a pretty sporting person who does not mind getting down and dirty with the rest of us (lying down full-body sideways on the sandy beach with the rest of us smelly, sweaty people ! XD); I grew closer than ever with the rest of the girls and guys in our TESL batch. What awesome, hilarious people they are ! And I certainly have memories of great times with them that I will definitely cherish forever.

Ahaha. Forgive the mushy-ness. But I am sincerely grateful to all you guys who made my weekend ! It would have been a long, long, long and boring weekend if it weren't for you guys :)

Up next, Program Kecemerlangan Akademik Pendidikan Sekolah in Kundang Ulu, Johor. :P


shandye. said…
i literally have to retell myself... 'you're gonna do this for the weekend only... not the entire week!' when we arrived at PD.

but guess what?

i love my group, despite whatever rumors that you heard encircled. i do agree that it was mentally draining as you are 'forced' to be creative and i am super-thankful that ellie and ana the seniors are with me cuz they're super-talented and giving hillarious ideas n concepts that we twist and turn to make it our very own.

haha. but i guess at PD our group was the lamest as compared to yours. your group so bising one. huhu...
Liz said…
Nah, nobody's group is lame. We all had fun in our groups in our own way. My group bising only cos Ana and I kept going terpesong out of topic !!! XD
The seniors were awesome too. We had a lot of fun, although tiring. I think Snap Night was the BEST kan??? XP
Karupi Karupi Karupi...What would we have done without you? teeheee
Anonymous said…
ermmm...8-10th March 2010?
Liz said…
Oops. I meant January. Gosh. I didn't even realize that !!! XD *paiseh*
iwan said…
why no pic of me?

who am i to u?

The Bee said…
no wonder you went there with fine vocal chords but came back after the camp - "losing" your voice....
the culprit being laughter rather than speaking huh....
ya crazy lot but in a good way dear
well am sure in future you guys and gals should be the ones to make learning english lots of fun.... dont forget these times then...=)

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