On a Rainy Day

The weather in Malaysia is absolutely crazy.

It might be scorching hot in the morning and afternoon, then rain buckets in the evening. Or it could just simply be sunny and warm, then drizzly in the afternoons. Either way, while the rain is cooling, and normally gives me an urge to cuddle under the covers in my bed and not go anywhere, it's annoying when you're still out of your room and figuring out how to get back without getting wet.

I'm not such a princess that I can't get wet from the rain. But come onnnnn. Jeans? No no no no no. Not when I'm wearing jeans. When they're wet, I feel icky. >.<

I'd rather not walk, but taking a bus when it's raining is most probably going to be a herculean effort of trying to squeeze yourself into an already full bus. Coupled with the fact that you'd be pressed up against others who are equally as damp and sticky as you are from the rain. Or they'd have umbrellas dripping rain water all over your pretty white sandals T.T

No, no buses. (Unless it's raining with thunder and lightning. >.<)

So I walk back. And be utterly annoyed at the fact that I reach my room with the bottoms of my jeans wet, and tiny little pebbles and dirt sticking to the back of them too. Yuck.

Then I'd have to HAND-WASH my jeans. *gasp*

For a little 'un like me, hand-washing my jeans are like lifting weights. They're freakin' HEAVY. =.=

Ah. I'm such a complainer, aren't I? So I'll stop now. :P

Oh, I forgot. The point for this whole post was that I wanted to share with you what I saw that day on a drizzly morning (Oh man, I did NOT want to wake up for class that morning !!! @.@) outside of the lecture hall in KTAMS.

All the colourful umbrellas !

Can you see the Apple umbrella? xD

I just thought they were pretty :)

And the overturned ones looked kinda comical.
haha :D

Anyhoo, I've been feeling a little down lately. The stress of pending assignments and presentations, and the sinking feeling that I don't have much time left before finals, and what with the gloomy rainy season and all these past few weeks--it's really getting to me >.<

So here's what I did:

Light blue with silver French.

It was only after I'd painted the silver that I realized it didn't really stand out that much. But oh well. It looks good still. :D

Yeah, this is kinda what I do. I paint my nails when I'm either (a) very very free (with time to kill) or (b) stressed out.

Oh, and when there's a function I'm attending. Or if I got a new nail colour I want to try out.


This particular time was cos I was stressed. Not cos I'd finished all my assignments. >.<

You wanna know what's my assignment about?
My final individual assignment topic for Sociolinguistics in Language Teaching:

The colonial presence of the British has had a great impact on the English language situation in Malaysia. Discuss the significance of this impact in relation to the current English language situation in Malaysia.

*huge yawn*

Can you blame me for not even starting my writing yet???? >.<


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