One Down

I just completed my first paper today-- GGGD 4123 Pembangunan Insan dan Kewarganegaraan.

YES !!!! :D

I slept early last night. 

Well, I was in bed by 12.00 am. Snuggled up under the covers of my blankie and made sure that I had TWO alarms set for 6.30 am and 6.35 am. (Just in case I snoozed the first.)

I lay there and closed my eyes, expecting sleep to come immediately, as usual.

But when a text message came in at 1.04 am, I was awake to read it. (It was from Nana, about whether I wanted to order Chinese food for dinner this week. In case you were wondering.)

My mind was too filled with all the stuff I was memorizing for the morning's paper. Rasional Pendidikan Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan, Matlamat, Skop Kandungan, Pendekatan, Strategi and Penilaian. Pemupukan Nilai-nilai Murni di sekolah, Peranan Guru sebagai Pelindung, Model Tingkah Laku dan Mentor. Teori Evolusi Darwin, Teori Machiavelli, Fahaman Marxisme, Teori Psikoanalitik Sigmund Freud, Relativisme, Positivisme and Empirisisme. Mazhab Perkembangan Berstruktur, Mazhab Pembelajaran Sosial, Mazhab Psikoanalitik.

I literally had to shut my eyes tight and will myself to stop.

Will. Kekuatan kudrat which is the kuasa to menggerakkan pertimbangan seseorang. One of the qualities under aspek psikomotor in pemupukan nilai-nilai murni di sekolah.

ARGH. See? My mind is saturated with this stuff. >.<

Anyway, thank God I managed to get some sleep in the end and wake up at the first alarm. (Yay ! :D)

By 7.15 am, I was ready to get it on !

Does this look like a "Get it onnn!!!" face?
Nah. Didn't think so too. 
I'm too cute! xD

Walked down the steps, past DECTAR and headed to the bus stop at the Fakulti Pengajian Islam, to catch the Zone 2 bus. Although it is quite a distance compared to the bus stop at my college, I find that Zone 3 buses are way too crowded. And I expected more people since it was the exam season. Normally, I would just walk a few minutes just to catch the less-crowded bus. That's me :)

Anyway, both buses stop at the exam hall, so it doesn't matter right?

Apparently, it did now. I got on the Zone 2 bus, and it was several minutes later when it totally went out of character and turned into DECTAR instead of turning left out of the roundabout.

Wh- HUH? What's going on???

Frantic, I quickly got off the bus at DECTAR, still confused.

What? Did they change the bus routes cos of the exam season? I don't remember Zone 2 taking this route the last semester. >.<

Oh well. What can you do?

So I walked. Yeah. Well. Didn't have much of a choice then, cos the Zone 3 bus would most likely have passed the bus stop at my college by then anyway. Either walk, or risk being late.

Felt like a horrible near-disaster start to the day. T.T

Surprisingly calm feeling sitting for the first paper. :)

Took me 15 minutes to complete the 30-question MCQ section. So I slowly took my time to finish writing Section B's 4 structure-essays.

And I still came out of the exam hall an hour earlier. :D

Such a happy happy happy feeling now that the first paper is done !


(Ahaha, as if I've just finished the last paper for finals, and not the first xD)

This is my OMG-I'm-so-happy-the-first-paper-is-over face.
Did it work? :D

So I got back to my room and just had the urge to:

Camwhore. In the bathrooms. 
(Cos the lighting is better there.)

Cute neh~ :P

See my bigger green eyes? :D

btw, I have to say that I kinda like this baju kurung. I like the colour, and even the sequins.
Although it was giving me trouble today cos it kept getting stuck on the splinters from the stupid exam table >.<

Okay, how about more pictures of me? :P

Reflection through my mirror :)

Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Who's the fairest of them all?

Of course I don't mean me.
Pfft. I'm not that vain. @.@

Okay, one last one:

Did I mention that I like this kurung? Oh, I did. I really do. :D 
What do you think? :)

Next up, Sociolinguistics in Language Teaching on Wednesday. Would you like another taste? I'll find the most scrumptious "morsel" for you to sample :P

Just one paragraph. MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA

"The second of the continua of biliterate contexts, the monolingual-bilingual continuum, also finds a parallel in other continua, in particular the L1-L2 transfer continuum and the similar-dissimilar language structures continuum. Here, however, the emphasis is on the contexts in which learning and teaching occur, rather than on the individual's language and literacy development or the media through which that occurs. The monolingual-bilingual continuum underlines that the degree to which particular contexts may involve the use of one or both of the learner's language varieties of a language arise because of the regional or social factors (age, social class, race or ethnicity, gender); Freeman and McElhinny review discourse and interactional features of gender-differentiated language and suggest that these differences provide both a reflection of and an opportunity to challenge and transform societal norms; and Nichols explores the acts of identity represented by use of a creole language in home and community and the social meanings associated with use of a standard variety in a formal educational setting. In both monolingual and multilingual contexts, in other words, different language varieties have different functions and social meanings." (Hornberger, N.H. p. 459)

I desperately need help to finish reading this 400-page text book by tomorrow T.T


Dinesh Dharma said…
Wow finish final paper also must blog about it? And so calm to camwhore some more?
Liz said…
Ahaha. Cos I'm crazy like that. Must de-stress a while ma. Lazy to start studying for the next paper also. It's a killer T.T
Dan. Ee. said…
ahahhaa... thats being a student's all about!! you look very cikgu-ish in the baju kurung by the way XD
Liz said…
I do? Aiyo. Anything I wear also people say cikgu-ish. When I wore blouses and formal skirts--cikgu. Now, kurung also = cikgu? haha I think it's the prior knowledge that I'm a teacher-to-BE, that's why :P
Yukiko said…
i love ur baju kurung lisa~it beings out the green in ur eyes! :) yup, happy tat the first paper is over~hardly nervous lol! but socio it soooo nerve wrecking! jz lookin' at that paragraph u posted made me go @.@ haha~all da best! hit the books!!!

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