Mother's Day is a Good Day to try Making Dessert

It's Mother's Day today ! :D

Yeah, I know how they always say that Mother's Day should be every day. I agree, in the sense that you should always, or at every opportunity, show your mum how much you appreciate the woman who has raised you all these years.

But Mother's Day is when you do something a little extra special, a little out-of-the-ordinary, to remind her that we appreciate what she does, and show her a glimpse of how much she means to us :)

This Mother's Day, I thought I'd do something special--something I never do on any other occasion, or in any other circumstance (normally).

I made her Apple Crumble for dessert :D

Under the guise of helping my aunt to "fix her sucky internet connection" and "dye her hair with the new hair dye she bought", my brother and I headed over to my grandma's place to use my aunt's oven.

(My mum totally bought it. She didn't suspect a thing! xD)

Here's how you do it (sorry, I don't have step-by-step pictures. Didn't have enough  clean  free hands >.<):

How to Make Apple Crumble That's as Easy as Pie

85g of flour
35g of butter
25g of caster sugar (I actually think this is not necessary, especially if you have diabetics in the family you are concerned for.) (But then again, this is a really sweet dessert. Control their helpings >.<)

2 green apples; peeled, cored, cut into slices/wedges
50g granulated sugar

1. Place the slices of green apples into a casserole dish. (Please take note of the words in bold. Avoid the mistake I made >.<)

My brother, Ming, cutting and arranging the apples :)

Arrange them nicely in a casserole dish. Do NOT use a baking tray. 
Unless you wanna be scraping melted sugar off the bottom of the tray. >.<

2. Sprinkle the granulated sugar all over the slices, making sure they are evenly coated.
3. Sift flour into a mixing bowl.
4. Drop dollop of butter in, and rub the butter into the flour with your fingers until you get a texture of fine breadcrumbs.

They do look like breadcrumbs, don't they?

Me, making the crumble, full-concentration-mode !

5. Add in caster sugar and mix. (Believed to be unnecessary.) This is your crumble :)
6. Sprinkle your crumble all over your apples in the casserole dish (take note of bold emphasis AGAIN) and make sure they are fully covered.

Okay, fine. Mine isn't exactly fully covered. 
So make sure yours is.

7. Put into preheated oven at 190 degrees Celcius for 15 minutes, and then at 180 degrees for the next 40 minutes.

They were beginning to smell heavenly :D

Done ! :D

Mine got a liiiiiittle burnt. So maybe you can try slicing thicker slices of apples, 
and using a deeper casserole dish. And make sure the apples are 
really fully covered by crumble.

Well, you can also serve with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream. (I highly recommend you do this, and with vanilla ice-cream, not any other flavour. Cos I think it made this dessert that much better! I swearrrrrr~ :D It was totally THE BOMB !!!!)

I swear to you it tastes waayyyyy better than it looks
in this picture. Really !!!! @.@

I got the recipe here. :)

Note: The recipe above is for only ONE tray of apple crumble dessert. The pictures look misleading cos there are two trays. I replicated the recipe for a second tray of apple crumble because there were 8 of us for tea today >.<

It was a relatively easy recipe. I chose that intentionally, trying NOT to be overly ambitious. And it was a success ! :P

Both the mothers (my grandma and my mum) gave me an 8 out of 10. Not bad for a first attempt eh? :)

Oh, and here's what I made for my mum:

Front cover

The inside of the card; My youngest brother, Kit 
came up with the wordings :D

I love my mum cos, more than the little things that she does for us and the family as a whole, she has now become my confidante and.....friend. Yes, I said friend. :D

If I really thought about it, I tell my mum a lot of things. When I was in school, I'd come back and rant and rave to her, and know that I'd get a sympathetic ear. I'd even tell her some of the jokes that me and my bunch of friends laughed out loud at that day, or retell their crazy antics.

At that age, nobody would wanna admit that they tell their moms everything. It just ain't cool, know what I mean? @.@

But the reason I tell my mum everything is because, mainly, she's a good listener. :D

She really listens. And she taught me to listen too :D

She always supports, is always willing to give her advice. And her thoughts and opinions, I always value.

Now that I am in uni, I seldom do the I-just-came-back-guess-what-happened-at-school-today act anymore. I'm not the kind who calls back home every day, nor once a week either.

Actually, I never call at all. Unless for very very important stuff. Like banking in money to pay my fees, or something.

But when I get home, especially after a month away for exams, I have tons to tell. And guess who I tell first? :D

My adorable, cutesy momsy :D

I love you, Mum.

Happy Mother's Day :)


Dan. Ee. said…
at least i can makan also.. just kidding! I'd like to try some of your desserts soon though. But mind you.. the apple crumble does look burned LOL
its so great u can make stuff for your mom.. pulak i kat sini in cyberjaya oh well...
Kimberly Low said…
it looks great! thanks for trying out the recipe im so glad it works out for you and that your momsies love it :) btw, it'd be easier to wash off burnt sugar off by pouring boiling water over them, it'll melt the sugar n be scrapped off easier. cheers :D
SandraC said… crumble is THAT EASY to make..if only i knew! haha..ur mom must be so happy u 3 did such a nice thing for her!
The Bee said…
ya ya ya it definitely took me by surprise - didnt suspect a thing cos usually we ll get sthg and go over to por por s place to celebrate mother's day with her ma....
anyway thanks for the simple but beautiful and meaningful bonding time we had over tea and the delicious apple crumbles topped with vanilla ice cream - the first fruit of you and ming's labour haha
... there is much beauty in simple things in life and i think por por is very touched by our simple but special get together. You and your bros have been very appreciative and encouraging to your dad and i and the countless beautiful handmade cards on our birthdays and anniversaries stand as testimony to that. THANK YOU for "the beautiful one of a kind and no money can buy" mother's day card - so so cute - one more added to our collection le... haha
so we shld be looking forward to more baking exploration from you and ming during these long uni hols then... cant help you guys there cos i cant bake le...
let me just be the good listening ear for you guys lah....
God is good! and thank Him for blessing us with you and your bros
Liz said…

Why so kesian? In Cyberjaya for Mother's Day? Not back yet? Well, at least you wrote your mum something nice :D

>>Kimberly Low

Yes ! Thank you so much for the recipe. It was simple enough to give me some confidence to even attempt it ! :D And, horrible as it was, my aunt soaked and cleaned her baking trays. I didn't. Oops. @.@


Yep. It's super easy. I'm LOUSY at baking and cooking, but I managed to pull it off. You should try it !!! :P


You're welcome. Glad you were (pleasantly?) surprised and that the dessert worked out :) haha~ About the exploration, I'm not too sure. Quite the lazy bum, as I'm sure you can testify. But when I get that rare burst of energy, I'll try some stuff out :D xoxoxo

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