I'm not ready to go back.

It's been a while.

Don't worry. Just because I'm MIA here doesn't mean my students have formed a revolution against me, abducted me and then tortured me beyond my sanity and then later chopped me up into pieces and dumped my body (or what's left of it) into the nearby big longkang for making them do ten journal entries during the holidays and some 20-items of subject-verb agreement and past tense verb forms.

All I've been doing is just savouring my one-week break from school. :)
Honestly, I do feel that we teachers damn well deserve our school holidays. So, shut it, you jealous 9-to-5 office people! It's not like our holidays are completely free.

Wanna know what I've been doing?

Well, besides watching Fringe episodes lar.

I've been writing my daily reflections online for each teaching day in school, writing about what I've done with both my classes, the activities I carried out, evaluating my own teaching and class management. (If you're interested to read that, it's all in my other newly resurrected blog--only for this purpose though--at The Call.)

I've been completing my Record Book, writing in whatever lesson plans I can plan as far ahead as I can. Pasting all the handouts I gave my students.

I've been writing a choral speaking script, because my head of the English Language panel suddenly called us up a few days ago and asked for it. >.< (If it's good, and our head likes it, I might just post it up here :D)

I've gone shopping for more baju kurung because I don't have enough to last the week before I'll be repeating them. And my kids are gonna have a field day with it, I can tell you that. (I know I would, if I were in their shoes at that age =.=) I have three new ones now, all of which need to be altered at the sleeves and the length of the skirts.

So yes, I've been doing work too, you know. Not completely lazing around, just so you know.

It feels really good to be home :)

But it's Thursday, today. And already, I'm feeling the beginnings of a panic attack, thinking about school and the fact that I'm solely in charge of the Choir who'll be performing for the Hari Anugerah Cemerlang on the 31st, which means that I'll have to decide on practices and train them and get the students to stay back, and get the permission letters ready for their parents to be informed of it.

Not to mention that, once the choral speaking scripts is approved and finalized, Sun and I will need to get started on training the kids to prepare them for the competition sometime in April. Which leaves us about a month. Not much time @.@

And also, after the holidays, I'll have to really shape up and deal with my trouble-making boys and students or otherwise look really bad when my supervisor comes to evaluate me.

Which reminds me that I was supposed to have started work again on my thesis, after taking such a long break--I'm supposed to work on the Analysis and Findings section. I've done the interviews and the survey. Now the Analysis and discussion of the findings is the toughest part. I'm still lost and haven't really got my thoughts organized properly to write anything yet. I mean, I've barely focused on it for long enough to do so. When am I going to do that???!! @.@

Do you feel the pressure reading that? Or is it just me? >.<

I don't wanna think about it, but at the same time, I know I can't not think about it. School's starting already.

Man, one week is not enough :(

I haven't fully recharged yet to face the world.


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