Missed Me?

Have you missed me? :D

It's been ages! So much has happened that I can't even begin to describe everything from where I last left off. @.@

I've been diligently updating on the Other Blog, though. So hopefully, once my practical is over, I'll be able to pick out certain highlights from there and blog about it here :)

As it is, I don't have time to leisurely blog about what happens in school here. At least, not in how I'd like it to be. It'll take time and thought. Which I can't really afford on a normal school night :P (Do I sound like I've regressed 10 years and have a curfew? xD)

Anyway, it's the mid-year holidays now. I've got a precious two weeks......well, less than that now, since it's already Tuesday. @.@

I've been catching up on all my favourite channels on Youtube (since in UKM, I can't really load videos in my room. It just doesn't load at all! :/) and my favourite bloggers :D It feels good to just.....browse, you know? And know that I don't have to rush off and do something.

Staring at the computer screen for hours has been giving me a headache, though T.T

Hey, I've earned the right to laze around a little, okay?

Well, I finished the draft for my thesis--handed it in last Thursday to my lecturer. So now, all I've gotta do is wait for her comments and feedback. If she gives me the green light, I only need to get it bound, and my academic exercise in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor's Degree in Education with Honours (Hons.) for the Teaching of English as a Second Language (TESL) (I know, it's a mouthful, ain't it? @.@) is DONE! :D

I also finished marking the English Paper 2 for both my classes. I don't have the objective marks with me, so I can't total that and calculate the marks yet. Will have to do that after the holidays. :/

But there are still things I have to do during this holidays:

1) Start preparing my thesis presentation, which should be sometime in June, I presume. Although I haven't received Dr.'s comments yet, I can always start first, make changes later.

2) Roughly plan out lessons for after the holidays. With the new School-Based Assessment for the current Form 1 batch (you know that PMR is abolished for these kids now?), there is more work for the teachers, I can tell you that. So, I'll have to start planning out lessons according to the new "band system", and also for a third Form 1 class that I will be taking on after the holidays because they don't have enough teachers now that some of them will be exclusively teaching Form 6.

3) Attend a friend's wedding reception in Klang on the 31st of May.

I am so thankful for the holidays. I didn't get to come home for the past month because of work and activities. I didn't realize how upset I was for not being able to come back home until I couldn't. I was utterly disappointed. :(

I am truly blessed because I stay relatively nearby and can come home to "recharge" when I need to. I know some friends who don't have that chance. :(

Anyway, teaching practice is more manageable now. I guess I've learned the trick to it. Will tell you about that some time ;)

For now, I just want to declare that I'm doing alright. Still surviving and striving hard. :)

Although teaching has its moments, I still can't wait for my practicum to be over.

Until 6th of July! :D


Pou Leen said…
The older you get, the faster time runs :D
Sofia Silva said…
yay! congrats on your thesis ^-^

Love * Monstros no Armário
Sofia Silva said…
yay! congrats on your thesis ^-^

Love * Monstros no Armário
Ashwin Singh said…
this is a beutiful blog dear...love it....such a beautiful background and also the words are so soothing....love it totally...
if you feel you can also visit my blog...and from where can follow your blog..
Isaac Tan said…
passing by.. waves

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