
Ingredients for dinner:
Em, mee
flavour packet
oil packet
boiled water
Utensils needed:
bigger-than-mug-size container
water kettle
coaster (optional)
The special for tonight:

Daddy Mee
3 in 1

Chicken flavour :)

Yummy!!! ;P

Ever heard of DADDY MEE before this? No?
Me neither.
Apparently you cannot really get it here in West Malaysia.
But it's pretty popular in East Malaysia.
It's basically like Maggi Mee but tastes a little like
yee mee.
Difference is, it can be eaten in 3 ways, up to the
eatee*to choose:

1) can be eaten just like that, like fried mee
keropok or something. You know, like your Mamee Monster. :)
2) like
mee goreng, or Chinese say khon low, or
3) with soup (as above, which according to course mate and room mate, is the better choice)
A bit too oily for my taste, but not bad! ;P
* eatee: I don't think there is such a word, but I coined that to mean the person who is eating. who knows, more people use it it may become official! XD


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