
Tegami is Japanese for letter.

I discovered this Japanese-Italian-American descent singer (no wonder she did not look pure Japanese when I first saw her video!) after Chiew Yen told me about her.

Angela Aki was born Kiyomi Aki on the 15th of September 1977 in Itano, Japan. She is a Japanese singer-songwriter who also wrote and sang the theme song for Final Fantasy XII. She has a beautiful, melodious voice. From the first video I watched her in, which is Tegami, I could see that she is passionate about her music, and she could really kick-a** playing the piano! After that, I watched Home, and I was further impressed. Her higher range of voice is just so sweet and soothing. And she kicked-a** (word of the month) playing the piano then too!!

In Tegami her fifteen-year-old self writes to her future self for counsel and advice. She seems to be going through pain. What now? In reply, she writes a letter to her fifteen-year-old self, telling her(self) to not ever give up, to never admit defeat. And that regardless of what difficulties and challenges may come in life, to continue living in the present and believing in herself.
It's really good.
You can find the lyrics and the translation here.


Dear you,
Who's reading this letter
Where are you and what are you doing now?

For me who's 15 years old
There are seeds of worries I can't tell anyone

If it's a letter addressed to my future self,
Surely I can confide truly to myself

Now, it seems that I'm about to be defeated and cry
For someone who's seemingly about to disappear
Whose words should I believe in?
This one-and-only heart has been broken so many times
In the midst of this pain, I live the present

Dear you,
Thank you
I have something to tell the 15-year-old you

If you continue asking what and where you should be going
You'll be able to see the answer

The rough seas of youth may be tough
But row your boat of dreams on
Towards the shores of tomorrow

Now, please don't be defeated and please don't shed a tear
During these times when you're seemingly about to disappear
Just believe in your own voice
For me as an adult, there are sleepless nights when I'm hurt
But I'm living the bittersweet present

There's meaning to everything in life
So build your dreams without fear
Keep on believing

Seems like I'm about to be defeated and cry
For someone who's seemingly about to disappear
Whose words should I believe in?

Please don't be defeated and please don't shed a tear
During these times when you're seemingly about to disappear
Just believe in your own voice

No matter era we're in
There's no running away from sorrow
So show your smile, and go on living the present
Go on living the present

Dear you,
Who's reading this letter
I wish you happiness...

Give it a listen.
I bet you, you will love it. :)


siawase_tenshi said…
The meaning of this song...really is uplifting. You can hear it on a good day, a bad day...anyday...and it still sounds so wonderful! Have you heard the choir version already? The verse after the chorus 'lalala...keep on believing!' reminds me of 'Sister Act' *^-^*
The Bee said…
yo thanks for sharing the meaning behind the songs she sings
at least song lyrics which are meaning-filled and usually inspired by what the singer has and is going through...
unlike some of the top hit songs which boggle your mind why they are so popular when you examine the lyrics closely...
btw think you shld cut down on the use of the word of the month or some of those untypeable words
your blog can do without them really lah
may lee!! said…
italian-american too huh? that explains her tina fey-looks!!
Liz said…
I know right? I thought the exact same thing when I first saw her. You were the first who agreed with me! Everyone else was like, "Who's Tina Fey???" >.<
Yvonne Tee said…
Haha, listen to Kiss Me Goodbye. Btw, I'm a J-pop(J-poop, whatever :P) fan.
Liz said…
>>Yvonne Tee
I have heard Kiss Me Goodbye. But Tegami was the first that I heard from her. Somehow that's the tune that haunts me day and night and day and night. >.<
Yvonne Tee said…
Meh, and I thought that was her worst single. :P Check out more of her songs k? And and and, if you can, download her Budokan concert. Freaking amazing lives. No lip-synching!
shandye. said…
i have been listening to her since like forEVER!!!

weird eyh finally i found someone who have the same interest...

but for japanese singer, i lurrrve ken hirai and also ai otsuka... lalalaal...

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