Another Night.....

....of dressing up, and putting on make up!
And looking gorgeously FABULOUSO, if I do say so myself. :P

Chrissy and I were soo looking forward to going
together-gether and dressing up and looking pwetty!
She couldn't make it.
Soo saaaaaad. :(

So I was gonna go alone. That
is sad.
Then Amanda asked me to be the emcee for the night.
I was like,
Okayyy. I can do this. No orang-orang besar right? Then should be fine.
Then she asked, "Can you emcee in Malay?"
In Malay.
gulp. Yeah. Sure. Why not? Aheh.

They had pretty candles on the tables!
And flowers on each too! :)
Sooo romantic

It was gonna be held in Puri Pujangga, UKM.
Yeah, strange thing was, some people did not even know where it was. Or that it was in UKM.
I was chatting with this friend, a college mate, in my dress and full make-up and all, and she was like:

"Hey, Lisa!
Lawanya! Pergi mana?"
kat mana?"
"Puri Pujangga."
"Oh." "Em,
mana tu?"

UKM student

My xi gua souvenir.
When you open it up,
there's that little bug (PERKE, our mascot)
with the cute little moving legs.
But I seemed to have misplaced it.
I can't find it!!!

We were kinda blur. Cos we did not have a confirmed programme yet. But it was alright.
Thank God everything went smoothly. My co-MC was Edmund. Whom I actually met for the first time the night before D-Day. haha
He's alright. :)
Was easy to talk to him, so. Phew. No real awkwardness. :P

Yes, Edmund is sitting on...
Maybe he being new to the whole
taking-pictures-with-Lisa special condition
he was like,
"Why must I sit? Why can't
you sit?" Edmund, Edmund.
I sit, we can't even be in the
same picture frame.

Started out great. The ice-breaking was definitely fun to watch. Everyone looked like they were enjoying themselves. haha :P
Pity we didn't take any pictures of them. It was sooo CUTE watching everyone shaking and swaying each others' hands!

I want to be your friend, a little bit more I want to be your friend, a little bit more I want to be your friend, a little bit more A little bit, a little bit, a little bit more!

Taking a photo of my reflection
through the mirror.
Danny looks amused. :)

Then, we had makan time!!
It was buffet style. And the food in Puri Pujangga was not bad really. There was soup (the creamy kind with mushrooms and egg and chicken and carrots), and potato salad and fresh salad with yummy salad dressing (I LOVE salad dressings - they've got this sweet sour taste that is just
divine!!). Then there was rice and mixed vege and fried chicken too. Ooh, and there was chilled pink guava juice and cordial punch. The only problem was that the food wasn't quite enough for all of us. Edmund ended up not being able to take the soup and salad!
Kesian nyerrrrr~~

Terence - the King of ADP 08/09 with his retarded face look.

Lucky Draw was cute too. Cos it wasn't based on numbers or anything. But based on the little souvenirs we got! So, they'd draw and pick out a fruit (there were 7 types - apple, orange, pear, pineapple, watermelon, strawberry and pumpkin, but I doubt if pumpkin is a fruit) and then pick the colour of the bug in the...thingy.
haha That was cute. Winners were given cute little medals! And had the song
We Are The Champions playing in the background too. ;P

Couldn't see his crown in
the earlier picture. Soo.....
took another one. XD

You won't believe this. But we played Limbo.
haha Seriously.
There was a pole (held by Ivan and Christopher) and each table sent either one or two representatives to participate in a kinda showdown. And the winner would be given the honorable title:


It was waayyyy cool watching them bend over backwards to get past each round. ahaha.
And here, you can definitely see (very obviously) the advantages of the vertically-challenged! teehee

Limbo King ADP 08/09: DIAN

Oops. Sorry, no picture. :(

Vin Vin, looking gay.
(He agrees. So don't you
'tsk tsk' me!)

Ooh, then we were to give out the
Best Dressed Award. And for this, we had to choose our own Best Dressed winner. Hence, nominees were required, and a typical voting poll ensued.
Nominees: Melvin, Adris, Sam Martin, Su-Jian and Soo How.

Siapa penyokong Melvin?" *applause and cheers* *hoots*
Angkat tangan tinggi-tinggi!!" *more applause and cheers*

Finally, the winner for Best Dressed ADP 08/09 is.........*drum rolls*
(Again, no picture. Aheh.)

Carol, bending down
just for me.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

Finally, the climax of the night: The KING and QUEEN of ADP 2008/2009!!!

Terence and Chrissie!!!!!!

Our beloved King's pictures, you can see from above. Yes, how Kingly he is, ain't he? XD

Rofia, Amanda, Davie and me

Had a good time. Was sad Christina didn't make it though (I had to tell at least 4 people why Chrissy was not able to make it to ADP. Everyone was asking for her! Ish.).

Got back dead tired with aching feet (again! Darn these high heels!) at about 12am.

Had to take a shower. I couldn't
not take a shower.

Oh, but to get out of those heels......

You guys have
no idea how darn lucky you are!!!


chingZ said…
Thank God I'm a guy (no need to wear heels) :P

Sakit jiwa, put all the ugly pics in. Should put the "yeng chai" & "leng chai" pics there ma, then at least my "market price" can go up :P

PS: I love what Edmund said. He was just being a gentleman and asking you to sit down. :)
Liz said…
Ahaha. I'd really like to. Unfortunately, there weren't any such pictures at all.
Awwwwwww. wakakakkaa XD

NOOOOO. Edmund was indirectly kutuking me. I know. I learnt to pick up on these things! *winks*
Yukiko said…
lisa-chan wa kirei na~ ^^ (means pretty in japanese)
Liz said…
Arigatou gozaimasu!! (means thank you in Japanese XD)
Darren said…
sansei !! XD (means agreed in japanese)
Anonymous said…
U shuld really buy a new pair of heels..
Not every heels will hurt.. hehe.. =)
Unknown said…
huh?? another dinner? Uni life must be fun.. huh... eat eat eat eat and have so many night functions....

hehehe... i am getting jealous... all i do is study...
sure chingZ, a 'high market price' would look real good on your resume.. ahaha!

Yes Lise, we really are darn lucky! =)
xinli said…
LISA! you look gorgeous!!!
and keeping up the stage appearances i see :P
Liz said…
All heels will hurt if you wear them long enough. Feet hurt even when you wear flats for long, apatah lagi heels????

It's not ALWAYS dinners. But of course, I only hightlight the fun stuff in my blog. I'm soo not gonna talk about how I study all day (so untrue!).

Heyy thanks! You too babe!! *winks*

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