
Hey people!!

It seems there was an error while I was trying to edit my blog template layout.
And it was a disaster!!!

I lost my WHOLE list of blogs - the links to all of you guys' blogs!!

And I'm devastated!!! :(

So, please, please, pretty please. If your names are not on my blogroll list below (there's only those I managed to retrieve through my chatbox), please leave a comment on the chatbox (right) linked to your respective blogs.

I'd appreciate it soo much!!!

Thank you!!

Note to self: Never ever EVER try editing your blog template AGAIN. EVER. >.<


Vkuan said…
Hi Liz...nice to have ur comment on my blog...

yea, i am a blogger one year ago...initially i just want it to be my internet secret diary....its open to public recently....

feel free to leave comment, i love to know what people think of my lifestyle....
shandye. said…
lain kali buat backup on the template before you try out the new layout. haha...
Liz said…
The thing is kan, sy ada save it kat word tau? Then I tried something, failed, so I paste balik la. Everything was there, widget semua ada. Tapi bila sy buka balik widget blogroll tu, "there are no items in this list." Habis sy jerit satu blok dengar. Sedihhhhh :(

Macam mana you buat layout cantik cam tu? Ajar leh? Slalu sy buat ni, sure ada error. Everything pun cam tu jugak. Tak tau is it cos of my laptop takde certain program, sy pun tak tau >.<
shandye. said…
first of all...
never copy anything to word, especially word 2007. sbb word 2007 kan default font dia calibre (yekot... tak ingat) so ble you copy balik ke template blog akan kuar error message. the best method is to copy and save your template to notepad. i know... eeww... lame gle guna notepad, tapi notepad tak ada preset font segala tu so ble paste balik tak akan ada masalah.
you try blogsearch this blog: Blogger Buster. ada step by step dummy-proof utk change your layout without hassle. i pun blajar dari situ je. ngee...
Liz said…
Oh really? Maybe that's the problem kut. But at the moment, I'm too terrified to try anything. Maybe later.....>.<

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