Mrs. Kris Allen

My hero.
Kris Allen.
American Idol 2009.

With a unique and special voice,
he sings with passion,
like he has given his heart and soul
on a silver platter
just for you.

He has the funniest
(and cutest) expressions
when he sings!

Him playing on the piano,
or on his acoustic guitar,
coupled together with his beautiful
angelic voice -
simply heaven :)

And it doesn't hurt
that he looks the way he does either.
Super CUTE. :P

Too bad he's married.
Damn. >.< 

His wife is one lucky woman. Shucks. Anywayyyy Congratulations Kris Allen! From the moment I first heard you sing you were MY favourite. :) Despite everything, you gave the final performance your ALL as you have always done. You deserve this win. Sigh. 
Will you ever come visit? Please do. 
I'm sure if you had met me before you met your wife it will be a whole different story. 
Mrs. Kris Allen? 
Me: Yes?
Your husband is hot.
Me: *grin*
I know.


Hani said…
Kris Allen is very likable compared to Adam Lambert, even though he has a powerful voice. Kris Allen tetap di hati ku. Hahaha.
Wil Liam said…
oh no...not you too?! I almost fought with my roommate in favour of Adam Lambart. Sigh....whatever...still think that rocker ROCKS!!!
PS: Kris Allen WILL be forgotten like the rest of the Idols.
lynette lim said…
oi lisa kwan..bangun la...*slaps on the face*..i miss the AI finals..haiz..
wen said…
Hahaha... I like the last part of this post.. Xp.. hehehehe...
Unknown said…
Hahaha.... every girls dream.. to be married to someone famous. you know i have never heard him sing...

so i have only support the Danny Gokey guy... he had the fun in his voice.... but since i did not watch the show... i can't say much...

hope you get to be Mrs. CUTE-Popular-Singer someday...
Liz said…
Kris Allen memang kepunyaanku XD

I won't deny that Adam Lambert has some chun vocal skills. But I just don't like the sound of his voice when he goes into higher range, nor his infamous screaming. >.<
p.s: Kris Allen will NOT be forgotten. He has fans like me. :)

>>lynette lim
Yeah la you. Too bad. Me when I came back, was just in time to watch nicely the top 4 I think :P

Thank you. I'll tell my husband you said so. XD

No. Not really every girl's dream to be married to someone famous. It's married to someone as hot and humble as Kris Allen. :) And I'm NOT dreaming. He IS my husband. I'm waiting for him to fly back home to Malaysia. XD
shandye. said…
im glad kris won. but i would be doubly joyful if he went up againts danny and still won.

tapi i tetap chenta danny... (mebbe bekos the fact that when he smiles he looks eerily similar to my ex? hahahahaha...)
may lee!! said…
mrs. kris allen, huh? i always knew teachers were a bit crazy. keep dreaming, sasa.
Hani said…
May Lee pulak dreams of being a princess. Keep on dreaming Lim May Lee.

Liz said…
I agree Danny tu bagus. I like his voice too! Very unique (1 million times better of compared to Lambert, cehhh!!). But I somehow feel he lacks charisma banding with Kris Allen la. Plus, Kris is so much hotter (not eerily similar to any ex)!!!

>>may lee!!
Well LIM MAY LEE, based on your statement, you're living proof that not all crazy people are teachers. MUAHAHHAHA
"Princess" konon. Bah!! Beggar more like. Cis!! XD

Totally agree Hani! Some people are just oblivious to the obvious! Wanna live in denial apa nak buat kan?? XD
Kris Allen ROCKS babehhhh!!! Whoohoooo
(my husband damn chun kan? *winks*)

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