

I watched The Swan Princess today!!
And I fell in love with Princess Odette and Prince Derek and Jean Bob and Speed and Puffin and Bromley and Rogers and all of them all over again!

I watched Hercules last night till late. Gosh I love that cartoon.
I loved the songs best!! "Zero to hero, just like that! *snaps*" XD
And I love love love love the 5 Muses - "goddesses of the arts and proclaimer of heroes" - who sing the story from the beginning till the end!! Sooooo chun. :P

I also watched Sleeping Beauty, which, unbelievably, I have not watched before this.
Seriously. I don't know why. I've watched cartoons like Cinderella and Snow White but not Sleeping Beauty. >.<  

And you know what made me go "Awwwwww. Sooo cute! XD" that I watched it more than five times today? 


Enjoy! :P


chingZ said…
Kesiannya the baby... kena ajar bende yang tak baik. Yes it's funny but it's like permain-mainkan the baby... :P

Eh, aren't you suppose to study ka? Jia you for exams, me last paper today. WOOOO.
Liz said…
Ahaha. Yeah. It is kinda. Like one of those tricks you teach your child to show off to the relatives. ahaha. But then, it is soooooo CUTE I beh tahan le!

Waaaa. So nice last paper liao! Your finaly final final paper le old man! XD
Add oil bo! Me 2 more papers on Wed and Fri. Then only free lor. >.<
Hani said…
Comel nye! The lil kid got style! Hehehe. And I can't believe it, Lisa Kwan, watching ANCIENT cartoons!
Liz said…
She does doesn't she? OMG did you see her roll her eyes??! She can seriously roll 'em goooood!! XD
And with the hand! OMG. Can't tahan!! :P

Ahaha. This is ONE exception of something from the ancient times I'd watch/listen to. Ahaha. These were from my childhood ba. Brings back great memories le! XP
may lee!! said…
*squeals* swan princess rocks kan????? i love it so much!! i love all the songs!! and i love jean bob and speed! and the puffin!! i cant remember his name right now, but i love him!! derek so-so la.. i mean, i wanted to marry him back then, but now i think he's just a generic hero. but OMG when they were kids...!! they were so HILARIOUS!!!!!!

and OMG that 'whatever' kid! *dies laughing*
Liz said…
>>may lee!!
OMG OMG OMG rightttt???
Same here. At that time, I wrote all sorts of stories starring Princess Odette and Prince Derek! And yeah, soooo loved him back then. Now, looking again, he's not that cute. Ahaha. But then I still LOVE the songs and all the characters!!! Soooo funny!! Esp Jean Bob!!!

"Whateverrrrrrr" XD

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