First Teacher's Day as Teacher

My first Teacher's Day present!! :)
Awwwww. So sweet of you.
Thank you, Yu-Chen.
I really appreciate it loads!!

It was so strange
being wished a very
"Happy Teacher's Day!"
by students.

Felt a sense of pride
reciting the teacher's oath
we renew every year on this
special day,
and also singing our song:

Guru Malaysia

Kami guru Malaysia
Berikrar dan berjanji
Mendidik dan memimpin
Putera puteri negara kita

Pada Seri Paduka
Kami tumpahkan setia
Rukun negara kita
Panduan hidup kami semua

Di bidang pembangunan
Kami tetap bersama
Negara yang tercinta

Amanah yang diberi
Kami tak persiakan
Apa yang kami janji
Tunai tetap kami tunaikan

Bangga :)


Wil Liam said…
Argh....! I hated that song! So it's called 'Guru Malaysia' eh? Brrr....give me the chills imagining our teachers singing....*shivers*
Liz said…
Ahaha. It's actually not too bad la. Seriously. When sing properly, nicely, then it's really good and meaningful. It's just that I think all of us have experienced hearing that last note in ranges not known to the human ears. XD
may lee!! said…
hahaha omg i remember that song. i always thought its hilarious to watch some of the usually very stern and staid teachers actually SINGING. so weird.

and you got a pressie! so nice! all my daddy got was a LOT of red pens. we can open our own shop now. hahahaha. lelong-ing red pens!
K.P. Fern said…
Any song sung nicely will of course sound nice. However, our dearest teachers can't exactly sing nicely...except you of course, miss Kwan..
But I can't really say, I was too busy trying to sort out the teachers' gifts to listen to anything or anybody...unless it was Kris Allen of course, haha

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