
Showing posts from November, 2011

11/11/11: Overrated

While I do agree that 11/11/11 is a pretty special date, it is also, I believe, overrated. Yes, it happens only once every 100 years. Whoop-de-doo. FB is plastered with "111111" or "11.11.11" or "11/11/11" statuses everywhere. And I imagined there was a flood of status updates at 11.11 am, maybe even at 11:11:11 am (by the kiasu  fellas! xD) Everyone keeps saying that we should make today memorable. Go out with friends, hang out with family, do "awesome" things that you wouldn't otherwise do. Drinking, partying, having fun! Wow. Sounds exciting. If only we made as much effort to make each day in our life count as much as we do for this particular day. We should make every single day memorable. Make every single day count. Spend time with family, friends, loved ones, every day. Not just on those days with repeated digits. Not just once every 100 years, eh? Live your life to the fullest, EVERY DAY. Then dates with repeated digits ...


I used to think that I was a pretty good person. I mean, I knew nobody is perfect. But I used to think that if anyone was close to perfect, I'd be it. I didn't lie, or cheat. I was kind, helpful, generous. I was considerate, I followed the rules. I was a good student, had many friends, and was well-liked by all who knew me. In church, we talk about sin, about our sinful nature as humans. I disliked that term. I hated thinking that I was sinful, or of sin. It was a dirty word, and I didn't want to associate myself with it. I was different, I thought. I was doing pretty well, so far. Doing pretty good , in fact. Little did I know, then, that my biggest, largest flaw, was pride . I continued to think that I was an almost-perfect person, an almost-perfect friend. Oh, what a wonderful person I am! What a wonderful testimony I must be as a Christian! I never said any of this out loud, of course. I mean, people would think I'm some egotistical self-praising obnoxiou...

Doing the Right Thing is Never Easy

Doing the right thing is never easy. We can tell ourselves lies, justify our actions with reasonable logic, ignore the prickly feeling of guilt. But let's face it. That's the easy way out. The coward's way. I doubt there is a single person in this world who is innocent of gossiping. Gossiping?  you ask. Pfft. That's nothing. Everybody does it. Nothing wrong about that. Nothing wrong? Nothing wrong? Gossiping is seldom just, "Hey, you know what so and so did?" It is almost always accompanied by, "Ya lor , so teruk la s he. Such a b****!" Think back to all those nasty things you said about someone else. All the jokes you made at the person's expense. Now imagine if someone said those things about you. Like you said, nothing wrong, isn't it? How do you look that person in the eye anymore? How do go day after day acting like everything's fine and dandy? How do you go about pretending you never said the ...