The Flower
by Lisa Kwan Written for: The Writer's Tower Theme: Unromantic (February) Medal words: candelabra, eccentric *** She was annoyed. Despite it being the morning, she had awoken in darkness. She pushed herself off the bed and padded in her bare feet towards the ceiling-high windows of her bedroom, her translucent nightgown almost trailing the floor. They were still tightly shut, the windows, probably the work of some ill-informed servant—she hated them closed like that, especially in the mornings. She pushed her tiny hands against the wooden shutters, and they creaked as they opened, as if protesting most enthusiastically. As she had suspected, it was a beautiful morning in Willow Vale. A special day. She wondered if today would be different. And a tiny part of her dared hope. It was, after all, their first anniversary. There was plenty to do before her husband returned home. But at that very moment, her stomach growled. “Melyra,” she said. A young g...