Prosperity !

I've been busy this past week. 
But who hasn't? :P

I have tons of work to do -- a huge pile actually, sitting beside me, giving me the evil eye for having ignored them for the entire week's break.

Well, don't look at me like that ! It's Chinese New Yearrrrr~ All that good food and very red angpows for the taking ! I mean, it's positively my obligation, my duty !
I can't just shirk my responsibilities now, can I? That would be so wrongggg~

Especially since family members have been slogging to cook very scrumptious, nutritious delicacies for their favourite grandchildren ! And neatly packed red tens and blue fifties in their respective red packets.

I'm just showing my appreciation :)

The Three Musketeers :D

Chinese New Year this year has been rather quiet. No fireworks, but plenty of laughs :P

I always look forward to meeting my cousins again. It's one of the two times every year that we meet up ! I know, kinda sad. But we're all very busy people. You'd be surprised how very busy students can be !

We spent the week just lepak-ing at my grandma's place. We played card games, watched movies together, scrubbed dishes after meals together (this New Year seemed to be like an endless cycle of cooking, eating and washing >.<) and just......hung out.

Sometimes that's the best part :D

With my two cousin brothers :)

Second day of the New Year though, was with the mum's side of the family in Rawang. We spent the day eating two very heavy meals, watching Korean drama and movies on Astro, and played card games.

Man, that's when I realized I must really be getting old cos my younger cousins, who I swore were mere babies just last year, are now challenging me in terms of the vertical department, if you get what I mean. 

Sheesh, what have their parents been feeding them with??? @.@

Which is funny, since I'm the one who's been eating like I'm gonna grow 1cm with every mouthful ! Well, the food was good ! What am I supposed to do? Devour them with my eyes?? >.<

On the way to Rawang :)

Unfortunately, I have this sinking feeling that I've definitely gained some, just in this past week. The tell-tale signs are there. T.T

However, I absolutely refuse to go near a weighing machine.

Ignorance is bliss, right?

I'd rather not know.

I don't wanna know.

Better not to know, eh? xD

Well, at least I'm prosperous this year ! :D
(Get it, geddit? Cos I've put on weight, so I'm more 'prosperous' !! haha)
(Ah, forget it. >.<)

 Oh, and btw, as promised, my nail colour throughout this CNY week ! :P

Bright red with white flower nail stickers (from Elianto) !
Aren't they gorgeous??? *beams*
Just as planned~ :D


Ben - Chee Lupp said…
very nice's good to be 'prosperous'...all of us are....haha....
SandraC said…
wah happening wan ur cny> love the nails babe
Liz said…
Ahaha, I'm SUPER proud of my nails ! haha Really went all out for them this CNY ! xD haha Thankiesssss~ :D
k0k s3n w4i said…
you're abusing the high camera angle! you should have your high camera angle privileges taken away from you!

happy new year, by the way. do weigh yourself. the horror of revelation is both good and sobering. i think i overate too, haha.
Liz said…
>>k0k s3n w4i

*scoff* I am NOT ! My high-camera-angle privileges are limitLESS ! So I can use it whenever, anytime ! xD

Happy New Year to you too ! haha Weigh myself? I thank God I don't have a weighing machine in uni. And by the time I'm home I forget all about it !! *teehee* Nvm, prosperity maaaa~ :DDD
SarahJV said…
i love ur nailz!!!=)

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