We're 54 Today

My country is 54 years old today. Another year and she'll join the "senior" category. :P In human years, our country is no baby. She's old enough to be a grandma, if you know what I mean. Yet, somehow I have a feeling that we're reverting back to our chaotic adolescent years. We are still quarreling and squabbling amongst ourselves over petty things. We're still making mountains out of molehills. (It's like we're still undergoing puberty. @.@) There is a lot of dissatisfaction, disenchantment, disagreements, disillusionment. Prejudice, biasness, injustice, discrimination. Until today, I still get long wordy emails giving me some alternate history lesson that I never learned in school about the origins of our country. Emails that claim a certain race are not really the bumiputeras (natives) of this country. Emails that urge you to forward to others, to let them know the injustice that prevails because this fact is overlooked. Know what...