
Showing posts from August, 2011

We're 54 Today

My country is 54 years old today. Another year and she'll join the "senior" category. :P In human years, our country is no baby. She's old enough to be a grandma, if you know what I mean. Yet, somehow I have a feeling that we're reverting back to our chaotic adolescent years. We are still quarreling and squabbling amongst ourselves over petty things. We're still making mountains  out  of molehills. (It's like we're still undergoing puberty. @.@) There is a lot of dissatisfaction, disenchantment, disagreements, disillusionment. Prejudice, biasness, injustice, discrimination. Until today, I still get long wordy emails giving me some alternate history lesson that I never learned in school about the origins of our country. Emails that claim a certain race are not really the bumiputeras  (natives) of this country. Emails that urge you to forward to others, to let them know the injustice that prevails because this fact is overlooked. Know what...

This Old Man

I grew up with nursery rhymes. I don't remember actually learning them in kindergarten, but give me one line, and I'll be able to tell you the rest. Well, most of it anyway. I guess Tadika Kiddyhouse did a good job in teaching kids their nursery rhymes. (No, no, no understanding needed. Just rote memorization! Good job!) :D I can remember every word to "Hey Diddle Diddle". If you ask me nicely I can sing it for you :) Hey Diddle diddle The cat and the fiddle The cow jumped over the moon The little dog laughed to see such sport And the dish ran away with the spoon. One question though: Have you ever wondered what these children's nursery rhymes mean? We've always accepted the unacceptable in nursery rhymes. How a cat learned to play a fiddle, how a cow can jump over the moon, how a dog can laugh, and how dishes can elope with spoons. But one nursery rhyme that's kinda got me stumped is "This Old Man." This old man, he played one...

Green: Soothing to the Eyes

Wouldn't you agree? I always thought green is such a soothing colour. It certainly relaxes the eyes, and we don't frown as much. Well, do you ever frown when you look at trees or lush greenery? Of course, not. I have even heard that by looking more at greens, you can reduce your eye power (for those inflicted with short-sightedness and are cursed to wear glasses for the rest of their lives! T.T) How true that is, I do not know. If it isn't, blame the person who told me that. (I can't remember who that was, at the moment =.=) Anyway, although the intro does not sound like it, this is another fashion post! :D And the intro is  sorta related. Cos I'll be wearing green, see? Which is soothing to the eyes , geddit? Ahhhhhh. :P Another outfit I wore to church the other day, that won me a few praises, I must say. Someone even told me this dress made me look slimmer and taller ! *faints from overwhelming joy* Anyway, enjoy the pics :) This is a close-up. With my m...

Saying Goodbye (For Now)

In less than an hour, my cousin sister is going to board a plane bound for Tianjin, China, where she will make a transit to Beijing. In a few days, she would be starting her Degree studies on Biotechnology in Beijing University, China. Soon Yi :) (Yes, unflattering picture. But I'm cheeky like that!) I hold my Phor Phor's hand as we navigate around trolleys of luggage and running toddlers. I tiptoe to look over the heads of busy-looking people who look like they're headed somewhere on important business, while others doze off on the plastic chairs, their mountain of bags beside them. Finally, I spot my aunt waving at us. "We're here! We're here!" My cousin brother asks me, "Where's Soon Yi?" I have no idea. I didn't see her. Couldn't see her. But she had to be around here somewhere. A large group of boisterous young people fall aside to reveal my cousin sister, smack in the middle, laughing. She is wearing a white sweater, an...

It's That Time Again--My Nails!

I'm such a horrible person. I want to blog, but I don't know what to blog about (cos I'm a boring person, that's what >.<) although I do have a few outfits lined up for future fashion posts but unfortunately, I am not really in the mood for it at the moment, so just to blog for the sake of blogging, I'm gonna talk about my nails. Yes, it's that time again-- nails . Don't pretend you don't love it! xD Anyway, I've forgotten when I got these done already, it's been so long ago. These are all backlogs of photos of my then-current nail polish designs that thoroughly thrilled me at the time! Dark shimmery purple from Elianto with bright red stripes from K-Le (Korean brand).  Can you see them? :) (I hate that my 2.0 mp camera doesn't take close-ups of my nails very well. The colours look more awesome in real-life, I swear! It just doesn't do them justice T.T) By far, this is my most favourite design! They look really pretty aft...

Check Me Out!

Another fashion post ahead! :D Wore this outfit to church one Sunday. Was feeling cheerful and bersemangat  so I wore something that looked like I had put a little more effort into it than usual :P Ta-daaaa! Overall look :) Purple contact lenses yo! My friend has told me that this pair makes me look scary, but somehow, I love them! Don't they look absolutely gorgeous ? :D (Am I supposed to state where I got them too? =.=) They're Korean, called Fairy Violet; got them from a friend of mine.  Cost me just RM 38 to last me a year! :) Oh, and those chilli red diamond-shaped ear rings were from one of the  shops selling them at "3 for RM10" at Sg. Wang. (I love them when my outfit is plain and I just need some bright colour! :D) Checked blouse: brandless. A gift from dear Sandra again! :) Indigo-blue mini skirt: Fourskin. Also given to me by Sandra :P View from the top! (Not like it's a very long way down, you know,  being vertically-challenged and all =.=) Ful...

My Younger Sister

I had one of the best days of my life yesterday. No, I didn't ride a shuttle to the moon. No, I didn't win the lottery and swim in wads of cash, and then went on a maniacal shopping spree and came back with loads of clothes and shoes and bags and make-up. (Sigh.) But I spent the day with my boyfriend and his little four-year-old sister, and boy, was it the best! :D Though I was excited to watch "The Rise of the Planet of the Apes" with Sam that day, what I was really looking forward to was painting Mira's nails and taking her out to City Park in Seremban 2. When I met little Mira in church several weeks ago, it was actually my first time seeing her in 2 years. She was only 2 then, and rather shy around strangers. And before that, the last time I had seen her was when she was practically still a baby. I had carried her, talked baby-talk with her, but how could I blame her for not remembering? And it broke my heart a little, it did. :( But that day...

Card Games Are Our Thing

My cousins and I seldom meet besides the annual CNY and Christmas celebrations. They'd usually come down to Seremban, our hometown, and we'd just lepak  in our grandma's spacious bungalow. We'd watch funny videos on Youtube, Korean dramas, or play card games. Card games are our thing. :) Anyway , recently, we'd met up for a thanksgiving dinner given by one of our aunties for her daughters' first-prize win at the Petrosains National Science Show Competition. If you want, you can watch it here , here and here . And yes, Princess Jasmine and the Genie are my two younger cousin sisters. (Unfortunately, I've never been very close with these two younger cousins of mine. Possibly, because of the age gap. Their 13 and 15. Gorsh, I'm almost ten years older than both of them! @.@) Anyway, it was at this short "reunion" of sorts that I realized that my other two cousins might, and will be leaving the country soon to further their studies. ...