
"Who, here, believes that there is no such thing as luck?" Two hands were raised. Mine included. "Bulls***!" "There is such a thing as luck." He elaborated. "Let's just say, there is this man, who gets into politics and maintains a high position in a government ministry. He asks his hill-billy contractor cousin to sign a contract worth RM5 million but is planning to charge the client RM7 million. They profit RM2 million from it, and in that instant, the hill-billy guy, is a millionaire." "The guy just happened to rub shoulders with high people. He was just in the right place, at the right time." "If that is not luck, what is it?" My lecturer tells us that in one of our digressions (as usual) from the actual topic. But the thing is, our digressions are always interesting, so we don't mind a bit. Plus, I like this lecturer. Contrary to other times though, I just could not agree with what he said thi...