Chef Once More
Since I'm on such a long holiday now (till September yo! xD) I guess I should start working on my cooking skills more eh? :P Actually, I don't really mind cooking. I just hate the preparing part. You know, mincing and chopping and slicing and grating and cutting and peeling and marinading. Don't like doing that much. Oh, and I don't like the spurting oil either. I mentioned that the last time I was helping to make murukku didn't I? I'm absolutely terrified of it. I squeal every time I think I got some on my hands or arm >.< (My mum's expression when that happens ------> =.=|||) And I dislike the cleaning up part too. The washing and scrubbing and rinsing and drying and get the picture. So you see? I don't have a problem with the actual cooking besides the spurting oil. I just hate the before and after . Anyway, here's another attempt at making dinner ! Dish 1 : Cabbage with carrots and garlic seaso...