Research Foundations? Ugh.

Finally. Done with Research Foundations. OMG, wasn't that a pain to study for ! >.< I had four pages of short notes by the end of it. And if you don't think that's much, I should remind you that I have teeny tiny writing, and each page has 2 columns full of black squiggly writing that I need to MEMORIZE. Stat. Phew. Had a minor panic attack yesterday, AGAIN. >.< (Who wouldn't? Only finished making short notes at 10.00 pm at night when the paper is at 8.30 am the next morning ! Brilliant time management, eh? @.@) Paper That's all I can say, really. MCQ questions were repetitions from past-year papers. Which would have been AWESOME news. If I had the correct answers to them. But I didn't. Sure they were familiar questions, and I could answer them fast enough. (30 questions in less than 20 minutes >.<) But were they the right answer...