
Showing posts from April, 2011

Research Foundations? Ugh.

Finally. Done with Research Foundations. OMG, wasn't that  a pain to study for ! >.< I had four pages  of short notes by the end of it. And if you don't think that's much, I should remind you that I have teeny tiny writing, and each page has 2 columns full of black squiggly writing that I need to MEMORIZE. Stat. Phew. Had a minor panic attack yesterday, AGAIN. >.< (Who wouldn't? Only finished making short notes at 10.00 pm at night when the paper is at 8.30 am the next morning ! Brilliant time management, eh? @.@) Paper That's all I can say, really. MCQ questions were repetitions from past-year papers. Which would have been AWESOME news.   If I had the correct answers to them. But I didn't. Sure they were familiar questions, and I could answer them fast enough. (30 questions in less than 20 minutes >.<) But were they the right  answer...

'Tis Normal

'Tis normal to wake up at 12.00pm with half the day gone, only to spend the next two hours dilly dallying before even opening  your notes and books to study. 'Tis normal to then stare at your notes and day dream about......stuff. (Don't ask me what stuff. They were day dreams . How would I remember?) 'Tis normal to have your pen poised and ready to write notes, but think about what to have for dinner later. 'Tis normal for you to spend time choosing which coloured highlighters to use for each point so that the overall effect of your notes are colourful and pretty. 'Tis normal to arrange said coloured highlighters and pens to take a photo of, cos you are thinking of blogging about this later. 'Tis normal to spend hours battling your inner self on why it is certainly  more important to be studying now, than to "take a break" and browse FB. 'Tis normal then that your inner self lost, and to actually spend hours  browsing FB...

Muchas Gracias, Profesora

I was actually very nervous about Spanish exam. I mean, actually I was thinking, Nah. I'll be okay. Spanish is okay. I did fine for my quiz. I'm not doing too bad. Spanish won't be all that bad. But I have this phobia about thoughts like that. Whenever such thoughts cross my mind, I'll shut them out. I'll tell myself not to be over-confident. Cos it just might bite me in the butt. Maybe to teach me a lesson (for being too confident) I'll do badly in the exam. Sounds like a jinx, huh? Although I don't believe in jinxes. >.< So I (kinda) worked hard. Went through our entire text book and work book. Did some exercises online. Prepared and wrote out sample essays for possible topics. Here's one, entitled "Hobbies":       Soy una chica normal. Pero tengo muchas aficiones! Me encanta cantar. Todos los dias, yo canto en el bano! Mis amigas dicen estoy ruidosa! Sin embargo, yo todavia canto en el bano. Tambien, me gusta muchi...

Examen Segundo

My, oh my. How time has flown ! I just spent the past 3 hours (re-)watching How I Met Your Mother episodes. @.@ Phew. Sociolinguistics----DEAD AND GONE !!! whoooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~ :P Although I had a minor panic attack last night (there was just so much to study and so much to memorize and I only finished writing my notes at like 9.00pm at night and the exam's in the morning but I haven't even started memorizing all the stuff yet and what if what I wrote in my notes to study for and focus on is not coming out in the exam but what I chose and decided to leave out--cos there's just too freakin' much to READ--is what's really coming out for exams and OMG I don't have much time to even really memorize what I already have OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG I'm so gonna dieeeeeeee T.T) I got relatively calmer by 1.00 am in the morning. Which was scary really, cos I was worried I would not be able to wa...

One Down

I just completed my first paper today--  GGGD 4123 Pembangunan Insan dan Kewarganegaraan . YES !!!! :D I slept early last night.  Well, I was in bed  by 12.00 am. Snuggled up under the covers of my blankie and made sure that I had TWO alarms set for 6.30 am and 6.35 am. (Just in case I snoozed the first.) I lay there and closed my eyes, expecting sleep to come immediately, as usual. But when a text message came in at 1.04 am, I was awake to read it. (It was from Nana, about whether I wanted to order Chinese food for dinner this week. In case you were wondering.) My mind was too filled with all the stuff I was memorizing for the morning's paper. Rasional Pendidikan Sivik dan Kewarganegaraan, Matlamat, Skop Kandungan, Pendekatan, Strategi and  Penilaian. Pemupukan Nilai-nilai Murni di sekolah, Peranan Guru sebagai Pelindung, Model Tingkah Laku dan Mentor . Teori Evolusi Darwin, Teori Machiavelli, Fahaman Marxisme, Teori Psikoanalitik Sigmund F...

Have you ever had a dream?

Have you ever had a dream? Have you ever had a bad  dream? Have you ever had a bad dream about a friend? Have you ever had a bad dream that your friend died? Yes.  Yes.  Yes.  And yes, last night. It was a miracle that I even remembered what I'd dreamed the night before. But I woke up feeling very uneasy, my heart thumping. And just like that, I remembered why. It's a horrible feeling isn't it? To dream of a friend dying . And he didn't just die. He came back as a ghost too. Well, not that I could actually see  his ghost in my dreams. But the creepy feeling you get when you look over your shoulder expecting to see someone and no one's there? Yeah, that  feeling. And even in your dreams, it's freakin' scary . I don't remember why he died. I don't remember how exactly did he die. Or when. Or if he was with someone. Or how I found out. Just that he died. In my dream, that is. I don't remember what else happened...

A Pretty Good Day

For the first time in days, I was completely absorbed in my studying that I'd forgotten about the world outside. I was rushing to finish going through the text book and slides for my first paper so I could try out some sample questions before the Big Day. Hence, the furious mugging. Only today, though. Still, an achievement, eh? :D Then, a knock on my door. "Sasaaaa~" My ex-roomie, feeling bored, came up to my room to "stretch her legs" and " kacau " me. (Her words, not mine :P) In less than half an hour since she'd dropped by my room, we'd made plans to head out to Kajang for dinner at 99 Food Court--a place I'd last been to eat TWO YEARS AGO. Yeah, I know. I gotta get out more @.@ While I ran to the toilet for my pre-going-out pee and ran back to my room to grab my purse and change, I thought about the last time I'd gone out with my ex-roomie. Just me and her. *gasp* I couldn't r...

Life is Boring By Myself

I am seriously baffled. I know I get this "disease" every time exam season comes around. But I have yet to comprehend this strange sickness that I seem to be inflicted with. Why do I never do the things I'm supposed  to do? And do everything else that I'm not  supposed to do? >.< Sigh. My days are boring nowadays. It's just me, my lappie baby, and the four walls of my room. Oh, and ze  books, of course. You get so comfortable that you don't feel like leaving the room. At all. Not even to pee. Sometimes. =.= The only thing I ever look forward to each day? Dinner time. When I get to: watch How I Met Your Mother  episodes on my lappie baby, while I: Slurp on yummy Korean Shin Ramyon ! (Seriously. I LOVE this ! Wayyyyyy better than Maggi Curry la~ ) Now that Adrian's drama performance was over last Wednesday.... Wait, let me digress for a second to rave about it. Oh. Am. Gee. The Fruitcake Special put on by the Cohor...