First Trains, Now Boats

You are the captain of a ship. A huge storm rolls in and threatens to sink your beloved boat. If all are to survive the storm, you and your passengers need to abandon the ship and get into a lifeboat - a single lifeboat left. Everyone scrambles to get into the lifeboat. But there is a problem. There are about 20 of you, but the lifeboat can only hold a maximum of 10. Any more on the boat will threaten to overturn the entire lifeboat and put everyone's life in danger. If you do not throw people off the boat, you will ALL drown at sea. As the captain, how do you decide who stays, and who goes? Age? Gender? Health? Ability to swim? En. Mohsin posed this question to us during that same lecture. There were many opinions voiced. Some said the sickly ones, those with terminal diseases should go, because they were going to die soon anyway. Some said let the women and children stay on the boat. Throw the older men off the boat. To which En. Mohsin replied " Wah, kalau...