Christmas Eve/Mummy's Birthday

Today is my Mummy's birthday.

Every year, it's always been rather difficult to celebrate her birthday because we are always so busy with Christmas preparations. We've always had parties to organize, performances, caroling practices etc.

Until sometimes, we never really get to fully enjoy Christmas cos we're too busy preparing for it. What irony, right? =.=

Anyhow, this year, we are not involved in anything in church; no caroling, no performances, nothing. Such a rare thing. Christmas seems really quiet this year, in a good way. :)

Woke up at 10.30am this morning. Haven't been feeling too well since we got back from our A'Famosa trip with the rest of the extended family (will blog about this later !)

Lack of sleep (first night I slept at 5.30am cos was having a heart-to-heart with my cousin sister, second night slept at 2.00am cos was addicted to the card game Saboteur. It's awesomely fun ! :D) and jumping in and out of the chilly pool at scorching midday was a winning combination for flu. :(

Within the day, I'd also developed a slight fever. You know the kind. Your whole body is radiating heat under the covers, but your fingers and toes are cold and you feel chilly, and all your limbs are aching and weak.

Yeah, sucks huh?

Despite my wanting to just crawl into bed and die, Mummy's birthday was coming up, so I thought I'd make her and dad a little gift. Mum's would be a birthday-cum-Christmas gift, Dad's would be just a Christmas gift. :)

I spent the whole of yesterday afternoon making them.

They're little paper chains to hang in the car. Mum's could be hung in her Proton Saga, and Dad's in his Honda City.

I used black sugar paper for the squares, and the beads were leftover from some other project, strung through with normal coloured thread. Each picture was drawn on plain A4 paper, outlined with a good black gel pen and coloured in, again, with Luna colour pencils. I stuck them on padded double-side tape, so they are slightly raised from the black base. Plus, it gives a bit of a 3D effect, kan? :D

Dad's on the left, Mum's on the right.
This is the front view.

The back view; I flipped them over.
Notice that the faces of the people and the hamsters 
have different expressions from the front view. :P

Mum and Dad's first squares have a picture of their younger selves 
(I coloured their hair in as brown instead of grey as they are now :P)

The next square is a hamster, cos that's what we tease them as !
(They do the cutest things when they think no one's looking ! 
But it's an inside family joke. Don't expect to understand :P)

Dad's final square has a picture of soya sauce and its dispenser, and toothpicks.
Cos he takes soya sauce with everything (despite us nagging him to death against it) 
and he always leaves his toothpicks around the house, 
like treasure we are supposed to find, unexpectedly. =.=

Mum's final square has a bee (cos she's Yee BEE, geddit? xD),
and the symbols for Bejeweled Blitz and Spider Solitaire- the two games she is addicted to !
(Yes, my mum plays computer games, and what's more, 
she's wayyyyy better at it than I am !!! =.=)

There was also a card we gave her with a short poem that my brother wrote.

Won't show it here, too many inside jokes to make sense for you guys :P

The best feeling in the world is when the gift you made specially for a loved one is appreciated. :)

Which reminds me.

Christmas is tomorrow y'all ! 

I think in an era where Christmas has become all about presents and sales and reindeer and Santa Claus, we need to take a step back and see what Christmas is really about, to us, personally.

Should it really be all about shopping and Santa Claus?

I'll be spending this Christmas giving out little gifts I made for my friends, and enjoying Christmas dinner in the company of my family.

Christmas for me, religion view aside (don't wanna get preachy here), has always been about spending time with family and friends.

If that's not how you're planning to spend Christmas, you should seriously reconsider. We won't live forever, and who are we, if not for our family, our friends?

Make things right this Christmas. :D

Have a Blessed Christmas everyone ! May you find the true meaning of Christmas and spend it with your loved ones and all who mean the most to you ! May love, joy and peace surround you, and follow you, this Christmas and into the year ahead ! God bless~


Aravin said…
awww!!! sweet of ya lisa!!...awesome sure ur parents are gonna love them!!...and last thing.....MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE to you and your family!!!
Liz said…
Thanks ! Same to you and your family too ! :DDDD
SandraC said…
how nice of u to make a handmnade gift. dont talk sick with me..i totally un as i am too!!
merry christmas anyhow!

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