It's Christmastime Again !

I've been working on my Christmas gifts to friends this past few weeks. :)

I usually always try to make something, rather than buy something.

I'm just weird like that :)

But the downside to that is, sometimes whatever I decide to make for that particular Christmas may take a lot of time and effort to do, which I don't mind. Time-wise though, it's occasionally a problem. >.<

So I end up being able to make less than the number of people I really want to give to ! T.T

(So if you didn't receive a Christmas gift from me, my sincerest apologies. My heartfelt wishes of love, joy and peace to forever guard your life this Christmas and the year ahead still goes to you, though :D)

Last year, I made mini fridge magnets made of black sugar paper (why do they call them that, anyway? =.=) with tiny Christmas trees and snow and silver aluminium foil stars ! Made about 20++ of those little things, and it was a tough job cutting and pasting tiny pieces of paper (despite my fingers being kinda small as well) @.@

But it was so worth it. I thought they looked swelllllllll !!! (Since when do I use the word 'swell'? haha So British ! xD)

Unfortunately I have no pictures to show for them :(

Those who received them would know what I'm referring to, though :P

I guess you could say I like doing things by hand. :)

Here are some photos of what I made for my parents' anniversary this year (13th April) !!
(Excuse the reflection of my hand and my handphone ya? Aheh.)

They're little notebooks made up of cut-up excess colour paper (my brothers helped cut them :P) with green hard cardboard for the cover. I used leftover wrapping paper and cut strips for deco. Everything else is drawn and coloured by hand with a good gel pen and faithful Luna colour pencils. Then put together with a clear plastic cover and comb binding. :D

For my mum
(The tiny bee is an inside joke -- well, her name's Yee BEE so, 
you can make an educated guess I presume? :P)

For my dad
(He's holding a tiny flower in his hand where the bee originates from :P)

And when you put them together, this is what you get :)
Can you see?
My 'mum' and my 'dad' are shyly holding hands !
*cue "Awwww"*

Actually, if you switch their (the notebooks') places and put them side-by-side again,
they'd be connected by the bee's flight route :P

Anyways, I'm quite excited about this year's designated BEST Christmas gift ever ! :P

No pictures. Yet. :D

When I'm done being Santarina, I just might post a couple of photos up for you to see :)

(I'm always proud of my handiwork, see? Though they aren't perfect. A lot of thought and heart and sweat and blood went into each piece. You'll see :P)

Anyway, I'll leave you with a few pictures of my recent past, and current nail colour !

(Just humour me and pretend you actually care about what new nail polish I have on kay? So please respond accordingly, thank youuuuuuu~ :D)

Opaque lilac and deep purple with silver glitter over the top.
Left hand.

(Unfortunately, that silver glitter gave me a chemical allergy @.@
Both my hands and feet were seriously red and itchy. Ugh.)

Glimmer white and maroon (both Elianto), also with silver glitter over both.
Right hand.

Elianto's blue. I like it cos it looks like silver instead :P

My current nail colour: 
White glimmer again with gold on the top.

Since you're sooooo interested in the other colours I have had on these dead cells of mine, you can just click on the label 'nails' (on the right column of my blog) to see them all ! :D

Can't wait for Christmas !!!! :D

*furiously ignoring the fact that the new semester starts this week !*


Happy walker said…
yeah... nice blog post.. XD
xinli said…
oh they were swell all right =D
still on my fridge!
Liz said…

That's awfully nice to hear !!! :DDD hehe
SGRMSE. said…
super nice nails... now i'm tempted to go for a manicure!! lol.

handmade gifts are the best! they're so much more personal and i love receiving them. although, i have to agree with you on the making process. very time-consuming and sometimes requires blood/sweat/tears! but at the end of it all, it's usually worth it. especially if it's for a special someone.

what you made for your parents was AWESOME! so cute and unique! bet they must've loved it (: (:
Small Kucing said…
hand made gift are the best
Liz said…

DIY manicures and gifts are never perfect, but I always hope people will appreciate it ! :D
And yes, they did love the little notebooks. They're like couple-books (instead of couple tees :P)

>>Small Kucing

Yes, they are. It's nice making them, as well as receiving them ! :D
Liz said…
Ahaha, I just realized that the last two comments from you guys are one 'mouse' and one 'kucing' !! *random* xD

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