It's Time for Some Ball !!!
I've never been the most physically active of people.
I'd rather stay indoors than outdoors.
I'd prefer air-conditioning any day, as compared to the (blazing freakishly hot) sun.
I'd much rather bury my nose in a book, or clack-clack away on my keyboard than jump around, or run.
Or God forbid, sweat. *gasps*
Yes, yes. I know it's unhealthy.
And as a result, I'm waaayyyyy unfit. More unfit than I look, apparently.
Don't blame me, blame technology. It's the era, I tell you. We youngsters, the more techno-savvy generation, have shiny, new, more interesting distractions to play with than maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
All I do is sit.
Sit and read. Sit and type. Sit and surf (the net, duh.)
Sit sit sit and sit some more.
So much so, I swear that's how my butt got bigger ! @.@
Just the other day, my brothers and I went to throw some hoops in the evening.
How impressive is that???? *beams*
They practically had to drag me there, but still. A for effort eh? :D
It was nice weather for being out. Although the sun was searingly hot a couple of hours before, it was now cloudier, and not as torturous to be outdoors. (Which is the only reason I finally relented to go after my brothers' badgering. "Che, aren't you coming? Wanna go? Let's go !")
The three of us drove to our church (Yeah, our church has a 1-side basketball court :P) and were glad to find that we had the place all to ourselves.
Can I say that both my brothers have a knack for sports? Well, I mean, they're not pros or anything, but they get better with practice. I seem to do the opposite.
Bowling is one example. After the first few turns where I seem to be doing great (a few strikes in there too ! WOW @.@) the next few (and sometimes right to the end) turns, the ball would be mysteriously drawn to the longkang on BOTH sides, no matter what I do. *sigh*
Hm, maybe a better term would be....'fluctuate'.
Yes, I fluctuate.
Sometimes, I get a basket. Like a pro.
Sometimes, it takes me three attempts before the ball even touches the rim. =.=
Anyway, after throwing hoops and changing positions several times, I just couldn't resist.
I whipped out my phone. :P
Look at how pretty the sky was?
See, can you blame me for having the URGE
to snap a picture?
(Oh, and a second after I snapped this photo,
the ball you see landed neatly on my right foot.
OUCH. It hurt, okayyyyy. >.<)
Ming in mid-air. Whoa. :P
Bouncing the ball.
Kit, poised for action. :)
"Che, we're here to play basketball.
NOT take photos. =.="
Okay, fineeeeeeeeee.
But if I hadn't, you wouldn't have all these awesome photos, right?
I sacrificed my ball time for you guys. You should thank me. :)
Haha. 'Yau yeng' or not? :P
He made the basket !
I think. :D
Gaya yang berlainan.
Like a lean-back-and-throw.
Well, I did eventually stop taking photos and played a few more hoops.
Got hit on the head with that stupid ball, too. OUCH again. >.<
Now my arms are a little sore and aching from all that throwing and bouncing :P
Told you I wasn't fit. Aheh.