I came across this video that not only shocked me, but, strangely, moved me (in a weird kind of way). A fifteen-year-old girl, Hannah, posted on her Facebook wall about how crappy and how unfair her life is, because she has to do school and chores at home. She shared this with the entire world on Facebook but blocked her parents from seeing it. Unfortunately for her, her dad, Tommy Jordan, runs an IT company for a living, and, well, let's just say her plan failed. @.@ I would like to transcribe (from the video) what Jordan read from his daughter's Facebook wall: "To my parents, I'm not your damn slave. It's not my responsibility to clean up your shit. We have a cleaning lady for a reason--her name is Linda, not Hannah. If you want coffee, get off your ass and make it yourself. If you want a garden, shovel the fertiliser yourself. Don't sit back on your ass and watch me do it. If you walk into the house and get mud all over the floor that I just cle...
I grew up with nursery rhymes. I don't remember actually learning them in kindergarten, but give me one line, and I'll be able to tell you the rest. Well, most of it anyway. I guess Tadika Kiddyhouse did a good job in teaching kids their nursery rhymes. (No, no, no understanding needed. Just rote memorization! Good job!) :D I can remember every word to "Hey Diddle Diddle". If you ask me nicely I can sing it for you :) Hey Diddle diddle The cat and the fiddle The cow jumped over the moon The little dog laughed to see such sport And the dish ran away with the spoon. One question though: Have you ever wondered what these children's nursery rhymes mean? We've always accepted the unacceptable in nursery rhymes. How a cat learned to play a fiddle, how a cow can jump over the moon, how a dog can laugh, and how dishes can elope with spoons. But one nursery rhyme that's kinda got me stumped is "This Old Man." This old man, he played one...
I hate it. I really reaaalllllyyyy despise it. >.< Oh. I don't mean teaching profession the profession . I meant teaching profession the subject . Yes, I know it's pretty strange to study the subject Teaching Profession when I'm in the teaching profession. But I do. Paper was over and done with. TODAY. *cheers* And boy, am I relieved. Relieved is an understatement. I have been frustrated studying for a subject before. I have struggled with a subject so bad I wanted to give up. But never, NEVER as it was with Teaching Profession - the subject. First pain-in-the-butt fact : Teaching Profession - the subject - is taught in English. Finals was in English. Text book given in MALAY. Bahasa Malaysia. Our beloved national language. Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against our national language. Honest. But come onnnnnn. Finals in English, text in Malay?? wth. Can't they even be consistent? Uniform? If you're gonna have the text book in Malay, ...