Parents' Day Out for Valentine's

My parents are the cutest things, ever!

Really, they are! ;)

Yesterday, they went on a date for Valentine's Day. Well, they usually go for dinner, just the two of them. They have, ever since the bros and I were, well, old enough to stay at home alone, unsupervised. (Which is a very long time ago, I assure you.)

But I don't know why, just felt excited for this one. Maybe because I wasn't busy thinking about or getting ready for my own date for Valentine's. Aheh. (Baby, hurry up and come back from India, okay? T.T)

Since I spent so much time getting my mum to try on different outfits so she'd look nice for their date, I told my dad to go change out of his plain mustard t-shirt into something nicer, or into one that at least matched mum's pink suit. So he changed into a purple t-shirt. Well, okay la. Good boy! xD

My dad so formal la with his arms 
behind his back. @.@

And I think my mum looked really pretty! Couldn't help feeling a little proud, since I kinda helped pick out her outfit. Kept fussing around her. And when my parents were about to leave, I insisted on taking photos!

Two thirds of her three-piece suit, a sheer off-white scarf 
and long necklace. Not bad right? ;) And I paired them with 
white butterfly heels (not pictured).

I think they're the cutest pair ever!
But then again, I might be biased ;)

Don't know why, felt like an over-excited parent when the kids are going for their first Prom Night, or something! =.=
(I even yelled out, "Have fun! Be good!" before they got into the car! haha~)

Anyway, I had discussed with my Dad and gave him some suggestions on nice, fancy places he could take Mum to, which are extremely limited in Seremban, seriously. I always don't really mind pricey places, as long as the food is good. But most of the places here? Pricey, but food not good. Food not too bad, but ambience is bad. You want someplace, if not romantic, at least cosy so you can have intimate/private conversations. Don't really have many options in Seremban. It's sad, really. :(

Well, the best place we could come up with was Kensington, in Era Walk, Terminal Two (now Mydin). Unfortunately, neither my dad nor I thought about calling the place and booking a table since, hello, it's Valentine's. Of course, when they arrived, it was booked solid! @.@ They improvised and headed over to what they thought was Station One (what?! Terrible choice =.=) but (thankfully) was actually a Thai restaurant. Bottom line is, food was not too bad, ambience was good. So, YAY! Still a win! :D

They came back home smiling from ear to ear and complaining about how stuffed they were from eating too much! So I guess the date went well! ;)

I really thank God for my parents. I am truly blessed. I mean, who could ask for a more cuter pair than these two, eh? xD

p.s: I (re-)watched not one, but two rom-coms to cheer myself up! The Ugly Truth and my all-time favourite How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days! Completely. Satisfied. :D


Charlie said…
glad that your parents had a great time, soon for you too ^_^
SandraC said…
see where u get great genes from? ur parents lah! happy to see them so happy in the pictures.

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