Valentine's Day: Postponed

I'd almost completely forgotten that Valentine's Day is tomorrow.

Nope, no plans tomorrow. The boyfie is only touching down at around midnight on the 15th. So yep, we won't be celebrating V-Day together on the 14th.

It's all his fault though, signing up for a trip to India from the 6th to the 16th. Guys don't get it do they? When he first told me the dates he would be gone, I literally froze. Unfortunately, he couldn't see me through the phone. I was thinking, What? And miss out on celebrating Valentine's together? 

So I asked him, "6th to 16th? Up to 16th?" 
"Yeah. Why?" 

Guys. =.=

Anyway, he promised me that when he got back he'd take me to go watch This Means War starring Reese Witherspoon, one of my favourite actresses, and 2 hotties, one of which is Chris Pine! And I warned him that he'd have to make it up to me, cos of the delay and all. How dare he abandon me on V-Day! >.< (And seeing all the lovey-dovey statuses on Facebook by my couple-friends are making me jelly--not helping! T.T)

However, the reason I'm not making such a big deal about this is because, truth be told, Valentine's Day is a little over-rated. Sometimes, even I get caught up in all the hype. Just like how I reacted initially, when my bf (indirectly) told me he won't be around on the 14th.

Valentine's Day on the 14th is just a date. Who knows how it all started (something about a guy called Valentine who married couples in secret because it was illegal or something; yeah, heard about it, read it somewhere) but the fact of the matter is that, just like every other festival or special occasion, it's become too commercialized. And sad to say, we girls get so sensitive when the guys don't "follow the rules". What rules, ladies?

If he doesn't get you flowers--he's a jerk. He doesn't take you out to dinner--he's a jerk. He doesn't buy you fluffy soft toys--he's a jerk. Why does he have to get you flowers, or take you to dinner, or buy fluffy soft toys on Valentine's Day? "Well, cos...cos it's the rules." Some girls don't even like flowers, but they expect them from their boyfriends! Nonsense! And hey, ever think what you're getting your boyfriend for Valentine's? Why don't you shake things up a bit? Break the "rules"? Why don't you take your boyfriend out to dinner, take him to watch a nice action movie (not a sappy rom-com one), or go watch a football match together (I heard the UEFA Champions League starts on the 14th). Why, you ask? Well, why not?

I don't have to celebrate Valentine's on the 14th, just cos everyone else is. I'll have the best Valentine's already, if I get to spend the day with the person I love, doing nothing. Or even watching a football match (as long as we get to cuddle. I like to cuddle). So I guess my Valentine's Day will be on the 16th, then. It's okay :) And I don't need flowers, or presents or dinner reservations. I guess, I don't really mind. (Maybe I'd mind if he didn't bring me back a souvenir from India. Now that'd be just rude! >.<)

If you are in a relationship right now, regardless of whether it's 3 months or 3 years, as cliche as it sounds, every day should be Valentine's Day. (Why do I keep doing this cliche thing? =.=) While, admittedly, all girls have a hopeless romantic side that needs to be exorcised, I think we'd prefer a guy who is sweet/romantic all the time, than a guy who is only sweet/romantic on Valentine's Day. That kinda guy ain't worth your time, honey. And to the guys, being sweet/romantic every other day takes effort, but once you do make an effort, the best thing is that it becomes effortless. And your girl will love you all the more for it :D

If you're not in a relationship, doesn't matter. Valentine's Day is about celebrating love, and it's not necessarily romantic love. Go hang out with your girlfriends, wear the colour purple as a sign of solidarity, have some drinks, enjoy yourself and bitch about all the useless guys you used to date, and you've got the whole night's activities covered. ;) And for the guys, hang out with your guy friends. You just might find a group of attractive single ladies wearing purple that you could introduce yourself to! ;)

Wishing everyone:

Have a great one, people! :D


SandraC said…
u wrote well..v day is so overrated these days n the word love has degraded in value consumed by materialism.
hope u have a wonderful movie day when ur boyfie comes back! happy V day lisa!
Charlie said…
Ahahaha I used to celebrate Valentine's Day with my ex on 15th but best part is having him around for a few days due to our long distance relationship after his duty from sea. Hope you have an enjoyable session with your bf tomorrow <3
Liz said…
Thanks! Hope you have a blast with your girls! ;)

Sometimes it's the simple moments rather than the big-gesture ones that are the best :D Hope you have a lovely day as well! :)

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