From India, With Love

He's home. :)

Although I suggested that he rest a full day on Thursday since reaching home at almost 3.00am in the morning, he insisted that we spend the afternoon/evening together :)

He came by my house while I was still getting ready, and told my mum all his India stories before I even came out of my bedroom. =.= And he certainly came bearing gifts! Too many for just one girl! @.@

Here's what he got me from India:

A must-have: A Taj Mahal snow-globe cum pen-holder.
As we all know, the Taj Mahal is a symbol of eternal love :D
(Read up the Rajah's love story, if you don't already know it)

A sea-shell keychain, engraved with my name :)

Colourful bangles! Now I can match any colour I wear! ;)

Simple and pretty :)

My favourite: lovely silk+cotton cloth for a Punjabi suit

I think I was a little over-excited for our date. I actually put on eyeshadow in addition to my normal eyeliner and contacts (no mascara, though--that would really be too much! xD) and even put on tights! Oh well. *shrug*

Wearing a maroon top he once bought me, with a butterfly belt

Worn with the black set of those Indian bangles, 
and plain black tights. (My mum said I looked 
like I was going for some function =.=)

And I was real proud of my Valentine nails :D

Opaque light pink/purple base, with bright pink hearts and 
purple 'filled-in' hearts with a few random white spots, 
just for fun :P


In the car, I gave my gift for him :) My original plan didn't exactly work out (I'm devastated! T.T) so in the end, I made him a mixed-CD of all the songs that mean something to both of us ;) I printed out the lyrics for him, cos I know he seldom pays attention to them (he's a melody kinda guy, and I'm a lyric kinda girl, know what I mean?) and besides, the lyrics are really meaningful and express all I want to say to him, for us ;) We played it in his car on the way there :)

A personalized CD-cover for this special Valentine's edition! xD

We basically had a movie date. I really wanted to watch This Means War but unfortunately, it was only coming out on the 23rd of February, when the two of us start term. Guess we won't be able to watch that together then, what with me being in Bangi, and he in Skudai. T.T So we settled for The Descendants instead, starring George Clooney.

I don't know if it was cos I was just too excited to have him all to myself after he'd been out of the country for 10 days, or cos the movie was really boring, I couldn't really pay attention to what was happening on-screen. I was happy to be just snuggling in the dark, and play-smacking him for every time he went "Oohhh~" seeing a girl in a bikini in the movie. =.=

Anyway, managed to grab some sinful sugary desserts before heading home for dinner.

Big Apple donuts! Yum~ :D

Ended the day with a 2-hour long phone call about crazy Indian drivers and magnificent ancient temples, and finally falling asleep to the sound of his voice.

How's that for a Valentine's Day celebration? ;)

Baby, I'm sorry I upset you by telling you what the other couples did for Valentine's while you were away. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. You know, and I know, that we're both not that kind of people. I don't need thrills, frills, flowers, or "something big"--you're enough, for me.

I love you. :D


Unknown said…
Sweet! I love the donut part LOL
too many gifts also complain?!?
Delon Fong said…
Mixtape making: Pure Valentine's Awesomeness...=))))))))
Charlie said…
OMG I love the silk
Liz said…
Polished two off in no-time! xD

Ahaha, not complain lar. But feel shy ma, so many wor. @.@

>>Alan Fong Delon
He loves it! Gonna listen to it all the time now! (Which is the whole point!) ;)

Thanks! Love it too! Might post photos once I get someone to tailor-make it into a Punjabi suit :D
Most Desirable said…
Great items from India! Many might say Valentine's Day is great to express love, but not me. Pls do read why it is a scam:)
shandye. said…
do you know that donuts will make you fat?

gimme some! hahahaha...

k0k s3n w4i said…
I thought The Descendants is one of the best movies I've watched this year. The plot was its strongest element. Review forthcoming.
Liz said…
>>Most Desirable
Loved all the stuff from India! ;)

Sorry. Finished it all! xD

>>k0k s3n w4i
Yeah, my bf actually kinda enjoyed it too. I guess it's just me @.@ Looking forward to it! ;)

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